Welcome to Elements of Nature.

Our approach is one of supporting individuals and communities to gain greater levels of happiness, meaning, and purpose through a reconnection to the natural world and natural health.”

Our ethos is one of empowerment and sustainability. We have a strong environmental policy and take pride in inspiring hope and positive action in the people we work with.
The ethics and principles of Permaculture are at the root of what we do and inform our decisions.
Earth Care – People Care – Future Care.
We offer a broad range of services that include some of the following elements:
Explore the art of survival and wilderness skills. Learn to thrive in nature by mastering essential techniques such as shelter building, fire making, foraging and archery.
Creative Education
Unlock your creativity and find greater depths of imagination through innovative educational methods. Engage in activities like art, music, storytelling, Permaculture and more
Rediscover the joy of play as a powerful tool for personal growth. Engage in playful activities that promote teamwork, problem-solving and emotional well-being. You are never too old to play!
Holistic Health
Prioritise your wellbeing with a holistic approach to health. Explore natural therapies, nutrition, mindfulness, and practices that nurture your physical, mental and emotional health.
Personal Empowerment
Empower yourself to reach your fullest potential. Discover techniques and strategies that boost self-confidence, resilience and personal growth.
Survival Skills
Acquire essential survival skills that can be invaluable in challenging situations. Learn to adapt, overcome obstacles, and thrive in the great outdoors and the rest of your life.
Nature Connection
Deepen your connection with the natural world. Explore practices and activities that bring about a sense of wonder, appreciation, and stewardship for the environment.
Cultivate mindfulness to enhance your mental and emotional wellbeing. Develop and practice techniques that promote presence, stress reduction, and inner peace.
Seasonal Celebrations
Embrace the changing seasons and connect with ancient traditions. Celebrate the cycles of nature and life through seasonal rituals and festivities.
If you would like to learn more about how we can support you, your school, group, or organisation, please get in touch.
E: victoria@elementsofnaturenow.com
T: 07779571063